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Cracking CAT - Smart Techniques

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Every year around 100,000 students aspire to acquire an MBA degree from one of the top B-Schools in India. And only about 3% of them succeed in getting into the top 25 B Schools. As the arithmetic suggests, it is tough to get through the exacting selection process of these top B-schools.

Hard work, of course, is essential to cracking CAT. However, hard work alone is not sufficient. One needs to work smartly.

Ten Commandments for Cracking the CAT

1. Thou shall not derive formula at the exam.
If you have to derive a formula for a question, you would be better off skipping that question.
2. Thou shall do calculations mentally.
Practice extensively so that you can do the calculations in your mind and avoid using paper to do them.
3. Thou shall forget past sins.
Do not carry hangovers of the previous question while attempting a question. Just concentrate on the present problem at hand.
4. Thou shall follow these religiously
A. First identify all the easy questions and complete them.
B. Next attempt all the questions which involve some amount of calculations/thinking, but are questions that you are extremely comfortable.
C. At the third stage, attempt those questions that require a large number of calculations/reading as in the case of Reading Comprehension, but which are solvable within 2 minutes. If you have come this far, you are almost into an IIM.
D. Finally, don't bother to attempt questions you feel are very tough or you do not know how to solve. CAT is not an exam for you to expand your knowledge. You have all the time after the exam to do it.
5. Thou shall reserve daunting passages in RC for the last.
Reserve passages for the end where the first lines daunt you. ALWAYS read the first few lines slowly and then adjust your speed based on your comfort level.
6. Thou shall remember that all questions carry the same mark.
You do not get extra marks for solving the most difficult question.
7. Thou shall avoid parallax error.
Do not select the wrong choice - you might have wanted to mark A, but might end up marking B.
8. Thou shall Relax a couple of seconds.
Give a couple of seconds' thought before you choose the right answer. There are times when that extra moment could help you avoid wrong choice.
9. Thou shall take cues from the answer choice.
Give a cursory glance at the answer choice for a question before proceeding. Usually, you get valuable insight into the easiest way to solve the question or eliminate obviously incorrect choices.
10. Thou shall not have to attempt all questions.
You do not have to attempt all questions to clear CAT. Be smart in selecting the easiest questions and answer them first. Read rule 4 again and practice it religiously.
11. The unsaid 11th commandment
Thou shall not lose a printout of this page till the day of the CAT exam.

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